Rochelle Fox is an artist and designer with over 20 years experience in the design industry


Features & Publications

Rochelle’s work has been featured in publications, boutiques, and galleries throughout the United States.

Rochelle’s work was chosen from thousands of artists around the world to be featured in the book.

Rochelle’s work was chosen from thousands of artists around the world to be featured in the book.

The Sketchbook Project

“A wonderful collection of artwork from around the globe, the Sketchbook Project World Tour is more than just a book of pictures. It’s a way to get an intimate glimpse into the minds of artists the world over.” - Sara E. Peterman


Artists & Fleas

Rochelle’s apparel was featured on the Artists and Fleas Designer market website.


Jersey City Independent Magazine Cover

Rochelle’s artwork was featured on the cover of the Spring 2013 issue of JCI Magazine.